Monday, January 15, 2007

From The Stacks Challenge--Update

I'm now in the middle of January, and I thought I'd better check how I'm doing on my From the Stacks Challenge. And the results are mixed.

I finished two of the five books I said I'd read: the ones that my daughters insisted that I read. The adult books? I finished one, am still only halfway through the second and haven't touched the third.

Which is not to say I haven't been reading--I've even been reading books from my shelves! Some of them. However, most of the "reading" I've done in the last month has been audio books. Do those count? If I have the actual book in my stacks, even if I did acquire the audio book since the challenge has started? I may need to get a ruling from michelle on this.

Anyway, here's where it stands:

The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton--FINISHED
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles--FINISHED
Broken For You, by Stephanie Kallos--FINISHED
The Awakening, by Kate Chopin--Half-way through and I haven't touched it for a month.
Love, by Toni Morrison--Not even off the shelf

Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens--FINISHED
The Mayor of Castorbridge, by Thomas Hardy (audio)--FINISHED
The Other Boleyn Girl, by Philippa Gregory (audio)--FINISHED
The Boleyn Inheritance, by Philippa Gregory (audio, abridged)--FINISHED
Eragon, by Christopher Paolini (audio)--FINISHED
The Adventures of Sally, by P.G. Wodehouse (audio)--FINISHED
Thank You, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (audio)--FINISHED
Eldest, by Christopher Paolini--Page 61 of 668

So, if I can amend my list, and substitute Great Expectations for The Awakening, and Eragon for Love, then I DID IT!

So, I guess I'd better post some reviews, pronto, before I forget everything I've read and have to start all over again!

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